24/7  Ambulance Services in Mumbai, India

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9821555528 | 8080608888

Rajiv Vishwakarma


Mr. VIjay Mohod


About Jeevan Ambulance Services


The Founders were colleagues working with the hospital industry, we have seen tough times as many patients could be saved if brought on time, this motivated us to help people who need Urgent medical aid and reach hospitals in cases such as road accidents, Heart attacks, health emergencies, and other disasters situation.

"Saving life means giving life again so we named the company as Jeevan Ambulance"

Lack of resources we started our ambulance services on rented vehicles and And the journey of saving people started. Along the way, they saved countless lives and helped people who needed Ambulance services.


As years passed, we provided basic ambulance services from this we noticed people faced new difficulties and need new requirements. we started a wide range of Ambulances services for various purposes.

Advanced Life Support(ALS),
Basic Life Support(BLS),
Air Ambulance,
Train Ambulance,
Hearse Ambulance,
Ambulance for Sports and Events.

Our duty is to give the right message to the people by saving precious lives.
To be always available 24/7 that no emergency ever goes unattended or unheard.
We have also played a major role in saving lives at the 26/11 attack on Mumbai.
At that time, critical medical care was much needed in which we got a chance to
help citizens of India who were in intense pain.

Jeevan Ambulance has tie-up with more than 56 companies for ambulance subscriptions ranging from BARC, and So on... For the past 15 years, "We are successful in saving lives, winning back life is Victory(Victory means Vijay).

Hence we have changed the Name from Jeevan Ambulance to "Jeevanvijay Ambulance and ERS PVT.LTD"

In an emergency, just give us a phone call or make a reservation online. We make adjustments based on your requirements. We are ready to hear from you in your moment of need and to support you with our low costs and reasonable services.



Our Mission is to save lives, every second, every minute, and every day.


To Provide World Class Ambulance Services provider Across India.