24/7  Ambulance Services in Mumbai, India

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Basic Life Support

Basic Life Support Ambulance service in Mumbai is a type of ambulance that provides basic medical support to patients in pain. Our basic life support ambulance usually consists of a paramedic, an EMT, and a nurse to assist the patients who are not physically or emotionally stable. JEEVANV private ambulance service's medical response strives to provide an extreme level of care to the patients during transportation.

Medical Assistance & Transportation

Basic life support ambulances are usually placed on standby during the transit of a medical emergency. We provide medical assistance and transportation to the hospital for patients with critical injuries.

Mental Health & Attention

Those who are injured due to a serious injury are referred to the Basic Life Support ambulance. We provide them with the necessary medical attention and transportation to a hospital.

Medical Care

JEEVANV ambulance service in Mumbai comprises a team of trained emergency medical technicians who are efficient and capable of handling emergency cases that arise while transporting a patient. This service is operated by a team of highly-trained emergency medical technicians who deliver medical care to patients.



Check the description for flu precautions.
Dr. Liu Sarah is absent during the holidays.