24/7  Ambulance Services in Mumbai, India

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9821555528 | 8080608888

Subscription Ambulance Service

We provide fully equipped and trained advanced and basic life support ambulances on your corporate or industrial premises 24/7, as demanded.

Our team is trained to handle non-critical crises on-site, and our partnerships with hospitals ensure that your employees are transported safely in the event of a serious medical emergency. For constant monitoring, reporting, auditing, and maintenance of patient logbooks and incident reports, we developed a proprietary paramedic and driver management system. We also have backup workers and ambulances on hand to guarantee that our services are not disrupted.

Services offered by Jeevan Ambulance includes:

  • Tie-ups with hospitals
  • Back-up of staff and ambulance
  • 24/7 dedicated ambulance
  • Trained staff

Health Check-Ups

Organizations are now aware that a healthier staff leads to a happier, more engaged, and loyal workforce, resulting in enhanced productivity and profitability. Jeevan Vijay Ambulance tailors health packages to your organization's specific requirements, including a wide range of comprehensive and specialised health tests for preventive (annual) health checkups, pre-employment health screenings, and pre-travel health assessments, because employees' health checkup needs vary based on their age, gender, and lifestyle.


Mobile Medical Units

Approximately 60% of the overall rural population lives in poverty. And for a large number of individuals who do not have access to basic healthcare, Mobile Medical Units (MMU) can provide this in a simple and affordable manner.


Basic Life Support

Previously, Mobile Medical Units would set up camps on the outskirts or under the trees, with the assistance of a doctor, nurse, and helper who had received basic training and could recognize symptoms of health-related ailments, conduct a basic diagnosis of common diseases, prescribe medication, and refer patients to specialized clinics if there were any further medical complications.

  • Easy and affordable healthcare
  • Conduct a basic diagnosis of common diseases
  • CSR activity
  • Encourages Regular Medical Check-ups in Rural Area


Extremely proud to have immediate assistance.